In the previous articles you learned how to develop your storyboard. The storyboard is your blueprint for the site, but now you need to think about construction. For each page of your site, you need to develop the content—the text and the graphics. Generally you (yes, you) will develop the first draft of the text for each page. You know your target market best—you know what makes them buy, you know what they want, you know the buzz words for
your industry far better than your Web developer.
The next step is to have this text reviewed and edited by an online copywriter. Online copywriters usually have a background in advertising, where they learn to get the message across in as few words as possible. They know how to grab the reader’s attention. Internet
users don’t want to read pages and pages—they want to get what they’re looking for quickly. The text should be short, to the point, and written so it can be easily scanned.
Once the online copywriter has done his magic, you will review and approve. You want to make sure that only the form—not the substance— has been changed.
The next step is to have the content reviewed and edited by an internet marketer—someone who has expertise in search engines and their ranking
criteria as well as repeat traffic generators and viral and permission marketing. The Internet marketer will review and edit the text and graphics,
again making sure that the keywords are used in the appropriate places for high search engine ranking. There is a real science to this. The keyword assigned to a particular page should be used appropriately in the page title, the text throughout the page, the meta-tags for keyword and description, the headers, the Alt tags, and the comments tags.
The Internet marketer usually develops the content for these tags, titles, and headers at this point. Sometimes the Internet marketing is handled by your Web developer’s team and sometimes it is a separate outsourced activity. You’ll learn more about designing your site to be search engine friendly in my next blog articles or from my other blog
The Internet marketer also ensures that you have used the appropriate
repeat traffic generators, appropriate permission marketing techniques , and appropriate viral marketing techniques . Again, you need to review and approve the changes to make sure your message is still presented appropriately for your target market.
The next step is graphic design. Sometimes the graphic designer is part of your Web development team and sometimes this activity is outsourced. The graphic designer develops the “look and feel” for your site—the navigation bar, the background, and the separator bars.
The graphic designer knows that your online and offline corporate identity should be consistent. Again, you review and approve the graphic design.
Once all this is done, and everything has been reviewed and approved,
you are ready for the programming to start.
your industry far better than your Web developer.
The next step is to have this text reviewed and edited by an online copywriter. Online copywriters usually have a background in advertising, where they learn to get the message across in as few words as possible. They know how to grab the reader’s attention. Internet
users don’t want to read pages and pages—they want to get what they’re looking for quickly. The text should be short, to the point, and written so it can be easily scanned.
Once the online copywriter has done his magic, you will review and approve. You want to make sure that only the form—not the substance— has been changed.
The next step is to have the content reviewed and edited by an internet marketer—someone who has expertise in search engines and their ranking
criteria as well as repeat traffic generators and viral and permission marketing. The Internet marketer will review and edit the text and graphics,
again making sure that the keywords are used in the appropriate places for high search engine ranking. There is a real science to this. The keyword assigned to a particular page should be used appropriately in the page title, the text throughout the page, the meta-tags for keyword and description, the headers, the Alt tags, and the comments tags.
The Internet marketer usually develops the content for these tags, titles, and headers at this point. Sometimes the Internet marketing is handled by your Web developer’s team and sometimes it is a separate outsourced activity. You’ll learn more about designing your site to be search engine friendly in my next blog articles or from my other blog
The Internet marketer also ensures that you have used the appropriate
repeat traffic generators, appropriate permission marketing techniques , and appropriate viral marketing techniques . Again, you need to review and approve the changes to make sure your message is still presented appropriately for your target market.
The next step is graphic design. Sometimes the graphic designer is part of your Web development team and sometimes this activity is outsourced. The graphic designer develops the “look and feel” for your site—the navigation bar, the background, and the separator bars.
The graphic designer knows that your online and offline corporate identity should be consistent. Again, you review and approve the graphic design.
Once all this is done, and everything has been reviewed and approved,
you are ready for the programming to start.
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